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How To Apply For Food Stamps In North Carolina

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federally funded program that offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families. The program is run by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). If you live in this state and need to apply for a North Carolina EBT Card, then the information below shows you how to apply for food stamps in North Carolina. If you have additional questions or concerns about the North Carolina SNAP program or the EBT application process, please contact the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services for assistance.

North Carolina Food Stamps Eligibility

You may be eligible for Food and Nutrition Services if your total income falls below the appropriate gross income limits for your household size. Eligibility workers determine which income limit applies to your household.

1 $1276 $1916 $194
2 $1726 $2586 $357
3 $2177 $3256 $511
4 $2628 $3926 $649
5 $3078 $4596 $771
6 $3529 $5266 $925
7 $3980 $5936 $1022
8 $4430 $6606 $1169
Each additional member (+451) (+670) (+146)

Household Composition
Some individuals must participate in Food and Nutrition Services as one household even though they purchase and prepare their meals separately. Individuals who must participate as one household include:

  • Individuals living together who purchase/prepare their food together
  • Spouses living together or individuals representing themselves as a married couple
  • Individuals under 22 living with a parent
  • Individuals under 18 under the parental control of an adult living in the home
  • Two unmarried adults living in the same home who are parents of a mutual child

Citizenship/Immigration Status
All individuals receiving Food and Nutrition benefits must be US Citizens or immigrants admitted to the United States under a specific immigration status.

Some households may be subject to a resource test.

  • Households may have $2,250 in countable resources
  • Households may have $3,250 if at least one person is age 60 or older or disabled
  • Certain resources are not counted, such as homes, buildings and land

How do I apply for North Carolina Food and Nutrition Services?
Applications for Food and Nutrition Services are taken at local county Departments of Social Services in the county in which the household resides. Some counties have Food and Nutrition Services outreach offices as well. Persons who live in households consisting only of SSI (Supplemental Security Income) applicants or recipients may apply for Food and Nutrition Services at the Social Security Administration Office. To apply for Food and Nutrition Services online go to An application for the Food and Nutrition Services can be downloaded via online by clicking here. For Spanish, click here.

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